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Welcome to Our
AR Center!

Equipping Students to Impact Their World for Christ


What is AR?

Accelerted Reader (AR) is a computer-based program GCS uses to monitor reading practice and progress.  Developed by Renaissance, AR quizzes students on reading comprehension and tracks student reading goals. We use Renaissance's Star Reading Test to determine our students' reading level that will guide the student to choose books that are in their optimal reading zone. Reading books that are neither too easy nor too difficult allows the students to grow as a reader.

How do we use AR at Grace?

Mrs. Kimberly Madrid and Mrs. Margaret Leake lead our AR program, assess students, review and purchase books in addition to tracking and rewarding student progress throughout the school year. We have reviewed the entire collection in our library, most often referred to as the AR Center, and have labeled all of the books with the necessary data to help the students make informed book decisions.

PreK-3 students do not leave their classroom. Instead, Mrs. Kimberly visits their classroom once a week for story time. Story time devolps our young students vocabulary and builds their interest in reading!
PreK-4 students come to the AR Center once a week for story time. Finger plays, and wiggle breaks led by Mrs. Kimberly. These students will not check out books but will learn important skills preparing them to care for books properly.

Kindergarten students will come to the AR Center once a week for story time and book check-out. When they are ready, kindergarteners will begin taking AR tests.

Grades 1 - 5 have weekly visits to the AR Center. Star tests will be given at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. These reports will be sent home for parents to review. We suggest that these reports are saved to compare as the year progresses.

6th grade will visit the AR Center every other week but students may earn the opportunity to visit weekly. AR tests will be taken both in the AR Center and in the classroom.

7th and 8th grade has the opportunity to check out books on Thursdays each week from 2:40 - 3 p.m. but they will not take AR tests of this time.

Other AR Information

Our Books:  Students may check out one book at a time. Books are checked out for a two week period but can be renewed as needed. No overdue fees will be assessed. Lost or damaged books will be charged a replacement fee or parents may choose to purchase a replacement copy.

Other Books:  Students are welcome to take tests
 on books from other libraries or from home. To verify if a book has an AR test simply use the website If you do not find the book on the site it does not have an AR test at this time.

When can tests be taken?  AR tests must be taken on campus during school hours either in the AR Center or in the classrooms. Most teachers will have IPads or computers for the students to take AR tests on at appropriate times.

What is the requirement?  Each grade level will determine a goal for the students to achieve each six weeks. This will be communicated to you by the classroom teacher.
Who do I ask if I have questions about AR?  Mrs. Kimberly Madrid and Mrs. Margaret Leake would love to help you! You may call either office on campus and leave a message for us to call you and you can reach us by email. We will get back to you as soon as we can!

Rewards:  Please see the chart below to see all of the rewards we offer throughout the year:


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